Posted by Mommy I'm Here on 11th Mar 2020
How to Provide Positive Support to Your
Aging Parents
Parenting a child is an enormous responsibility, yet a wonderful blessing to be gifted with. During this time, it can be challenging trying to balance caring for your child while also maintaining your other responsibilities and relationships in your life—such as supporting your own parents as they grow and age.
Managing all of this while trying to care for yourself can be mentally taxing at times. If you are feeling overwhelmed or if it seems like you don’t have enough time and energy to contribute to others, take a moment to review this list to help you find simple ways to support your parents while still having enough time to enjoy and focus on your future too.
Follow in Their Footsteps
Think back to your childhood and personal experiences growing up, I’m sure there were specific moments and memories that you reminisce over and miss. Whether your parents took to you the lake each summer, scheduled picnic lunches in the park, took you shopping for new clothes before school started, or had the family over for holiday celebrations, these lifelong memories are now opportunities for you to create your own traditions with. Drawing from all your memories and past experiences that you loved, you can continue to create traditions and memories that your parents are also a part of. This is an easy way to show them how much you care for and respect them, while acknowledging what a great job they did raising you. Don’t be afraid to start new family traditions either, they might love these opportunities to enjoy your company and watch your family grow together.
Prepare for Your Legacy
As you watch your parents’ age, you will likely be prompted to start thinking about your future and consider the best ways that you can prepare your family should there be a time when you’re not there to support them. If you have not already, it’s important to consider contributing to a life insurance policy that will protect your family and loved ones in the present, the near future, and the distant future.
Having a policy set in place can create less stress if your family had to deal with an unexpected situation in your loss. By covering the cost of funeral services, mortgages, and any other assets you owe, this is one less thing they will have to be concerned with during a difficult time. Additionally, you can choose how to support them by providing a legacy or setting aside money to help them pay for a future sentimental moment such as a wedding or buying a home. This all may seem far off but the sooner you prepare, the better. Also, you will maintain more peace of mind knowing you have done all you can do to protect the future of your children and loved ones.
Encourage their Independence
One important aspect of caring for your aging parents is knowing when to let them be independent and when to step in and help out. It’s critical for them mentally, physically, and emotionally to be able to function as independently as possible in order for them to feel a purpose in their lives. As long as they’re not participating in activities that threaten their health or safety, practice giving them enough space to make decisions on their own and do as they wish. Let them know you respect their decisions and are available to assist them if needed. This way, they have the ability to choose for themselves the best path to take, while still allowing them to feel fully in charge of their own life.
Schedule Family Activities
A great way to focus on your family development while spending time with both your children and parents is to schedule activities that everyone can participate in. Pick an activity, a date, and mark your calendars so you don’t get too busy and forget. Similarly, what your children and parents likely want most is to spend quality time with you. Rather than feeling strained trying to care for everyone, take the pressure off yourself and instead focus on fun family-friendly bonding activities that you can get something out of too! Your daily life should not feel like a chore and neither should be spending some time with your family. By having a plan, everyone can focus on enjoying the day together and take their minds off the hustle and pressure. Allow yourself to feel at ease in the moment and be able to enjoy being part of this growing family.
Although it might seem far off now, the future will be here before you know it. Being a husband or wife, mother or father, son or daughter, and caretaker all in one can feel hectic, as though the world is revolving around you being productive and doing for others. Hopefully, this list provided you with a few ways you can contribute to yourself a little more, while also providing advice to help you enjoy all the days ahead with your loved ones.